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Infected Blood Inquiry response has been published on 20 May 2024

Posted on May 21st, 2024

Message from

Dr Paul Gilluley, Chief Medical Officer, NHS North East London


The independent public statutory inquiry was established to examine the circumstances in which men, women and children treated by national health services in the United Kingdom were given infected blood and infected blood products, in particular since 1970.

The Inquiry has examined why people were given infected blood and/or infected blood products; the impact on their families; how the authorities (including government) responded; the nature of any support provided following infection; questions of consent; and whether there was a cover-up. The full scope and terms of reference for the inquiry can be found here.

Points to note:

  • There have been no reported and confirmed cases of hepatitis C, from any UK blood component, since a 1997 transfusion and for HIV from a transfusion in 2002.
  • NHS England will convene an Extraordinary Clinical Reference Group to inform relevant actions from a specialised commissioning perspective, following the Inquiry report publication.

Timeline of historical events:

  • 1970 to 1991: Imported blood infected with HIV and Hepatitis C was given to patients in the form of transfusions, plasma and other blood products.
  • 1985: All blood donations have been tested for HIV since October 1985.
  • 1991: All blood donations have been tested for Hepatitis C since 1 September 1991.
  • Since testing has been introduced, the risk of acquiring an infection from a blood transfusion is very low. There have been no reported and confirmed cases of hepatitis C, from any UK blood component, since a 1997 transfusion and for HIV from a transfusion in 2002.

Key links

Key messages for patients and the public

  • We know that people may be concerned about their own health following recent media coverage, so we have set up a new online resource for patients and the public to find help and support –
  • Since 1991, all blood donated in the UK is screened and distributed by NHS Blood and Transplant following rigorous safety standards and testing to protect both donors and patients.
  • Since testing has been introduced, the risk of getting an infection from a blood transfusion or blood products is very low.
  • All blood donors are screened at every donation and every donation is tested before it is sent to hospitals. Blood services and blood safety has been transformed, not only in terms of technological advances in testing but also in the way donors are recruited and checked they are safe to donate.
  • Given the time that has elapsed since the last use of infected blood products, most of those who were directly affected have been identified and started appropriate treatment. However, there may be a small number of patients where this is not the case, and particularly where they are living with asymptomatic hepatitis C
  • If you are concerned about a possible hepatitis C infection, you can book a home NHS test online. The tests are free and confidential. To receive a self-testing kit which can be quickly dispatched to your home visit
  • Hepatitis B is also linked to infected blood, this usually clears up on its own without treatment, but could develop into chronic hepatitis B.  Patients can find out more information here – hepatitis B information
  • HIV testing is also provided to anyone free of charge on the NHS.  Home testing and home sampling kits are also available.  You can find out more about HIV testing and the HIV testing services search tool on the NHS website.
  • Patients who want more details about the safety of blood from donations in England can find more information here:




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